December 29th, 2015
Written on December 29th, 2015
Starting a new tradition of posting my goals for the year. Enjoy
- Pray more
- Give more
- New blog post every week
- Finish and launch my new book, “Design and Development Relationships”
- Add more code repos to my public Github (jnorthcott22)
- Speak at 2 Web Design and Development conferences that I have not done before (GIANT & O’Reilly)
- Go on a run at least once a week
- Get more involved in the WordPress and Shopify community
- Do more front-end development
- Have an awesome conversation with Brad Frost about the future of web design
- Put more money in savings account
The 2015 Down-Low
This was a grinding year. Esri had a lot of changes and managing that change to a large development group came with its rewards and challenges. I redesigned my site and made many new great friendships within the web and technology community. Took on a little more side-work helping a few company’s out while teaching me some new things a long the way. I did not speak at as many conferences this year and did not finish my book like I had planned which I want to make up for in 2016. Blessed to have a healthy wife and daughters, some close friendships, a family full of support, and a great church (The Rock Church) that is doing some amazing things in a broken city like San Bernardino.